Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Full time Mommy

Ok, so I realized the other day that I haven't updated the blog in a long time! Please forgive me, my life doesn't hold much down time lately! I am a full time Mommy of a little man who has a busier schedule each week then I do and I also work full time every Friday- Sunday at the hospital. I do have lots of update though! :)

Age: 14.5months/11.5 months
wt:18lbs 8oz

Since the last post, Connor was diagnosed with the delayed gastric emptying. We seem to notice a huge improvement with his vomiting while on the erythromycin and periactin. The pericatin is still being used as an "appetite stimulant" but it also promotes gastric motility, so we have 2 meds working for that issue. Unfortunately he wasn't tolerating the Pediasure Peptide as well as we thought. He continued to have to many horrible poopies, vomiting, and broke out with eczema (new diagnosis)!  So here we are with another formula change, that makes 7 different formulas in his lifetime...entirely too many!! He is back on the elecare (hypoallergenic) like he was when all his feeding issues started just now the big boy version with more calories. He vomits about 2 times per day and is taking small amounts of food per day. When I say small amounts, I mean like a few shivers of chicken or 2 small bites of a gerber puff .Each day is different, Connor is never consistent! We have found A sippy cup that he will suck from, so we can usually get about 1 oz of water in him per day. I have purchased 4 of these cups for the fear they will discontinue them and I will never find them again!!! :)

A new meaning to fast food on the go!

Tasting a yummy french fry!

Due to some sensory issues, Connor likes to stand on his tippy toes.
Now we play in a bucket of rice and in the grass, tippy toes are improving more and more!
I have been doing some research and decided we will try a blenderized diet. Basically this is real foods: chicken,turkey, fresh veggies, fruits, oils, etc...all the healthy stuff blended up so that is can go through his feeding tube. I have read amazing things once this diet was started, so I am hopeful and willing to try anything at this point! Of course I have received the okay from his GI doctor and I have a dietitian coming up with a recipe for us to make sure he gets the adequate amount of calories and water per day. This diet has been proven to reduce reflux and provide more fresh nutrients. Also, since he can burp and vomit now, it will make things taste a little different in hopes of increasing his interest in food. Can't wait to see how he tolerates "real food".

First blenderized meal, chicken and bananas!

He continues to get feeding therapy once a week outpatient with small improvement. Marcus is willing to do an evaluation on him but our insurance denies the coverage and he no longer has medicaid. We just don't have $800 to throw out just to be evaluated, and that doesn't include the treatment (however long that may last). We are in the processing period to find out if he qualifies for tefra (disability medicaid), that can take up to 90 days! Argh!

We now have a busy body! He is constantly crawling or cruising into all kinds of mischief! He definitely can't get out of your eyesight now!! I will  be sure to update a lot sooner next time!!

First trip to the Zoo!
Connor's Crew in the March for Babies walk-
We raised over $1500!!

First time in the swimming pool