Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Back to the hospital, EGD tomorrow

Wt:19lbs 5 oz
Age: 16months/13 months

Enjoying his new swing in the backyard

After the GI visit last week, he decided to go ahead and schedule an EGD- Esophagogastroduodenoscopy is a test to examine the lining of the esophagus (the tube that connects the throat to the stomach), stomach, and first part of the small intestine. It is done with a small camera (flexible endoscope) that is inserted down the throat. Connor will have anesthesia for this procedure, which always makes me nervous. I know he is in great hands, just the word anesthesia makes most parents nervous.

He has had an EGD last October after the feeding issues started ( it is hard t believe that September is a year since all the feeding issues started!) The last EGD showed severe inflammation and the biopsies where all normal. His GI doctor wants to make sure his Nissen hasn't "slipped", check for inflammation, and do biopsies again. I am anxious to find out the results. Of course I don't want there to be anything wrong, but obviously there is or else Connor wouldn't resist feeding and vomit so much. I believe there is a missing puzzle piece to our complicated Connor and I am beyond ready to figure out what it is. I will update afterwards.

Also at his appointment weigh in, Connor had gained an entire pound the first 4 weeks of the blenderized diet! His GI doctor was quite impressed with the gain! Unfortunately, this week he has lost again. This is from us cutting back the number of bolus feeds we give him to encourage hunger and all the vomiting. I have a feeling we will be adding one feed back so his weight doesn't continue to spiral down. I didn't expect for him to gain once we cut back but I wasn't expecting a 6oz loss.

One last update...we officially have a walker! He is doing a few steps then goes down. We are practicing a lot but he rather crawl since he can get there so fast! Walking or crawling, we have a curious little boy who is constantly looking for trouble!! :)

Trying to climb the baby gate