Thursday, June 13, 2013

1 year later, still blending away!

So it has almost been a year since we started blenderized diet for C-man. I can't believe the difference it has made in his life! I am not knocking formula, but it just never agreed with him...take a quick look at the ingredients and one of the first ones you will see is corn syrup! I wouldn't want to be living off of one thing that was mainly corn syrup. In my head,real food trumps any manufactured formula especially if that is the main source of nutrition. I am not trying to offend anyone, but my child looks 100 times healthier now that we have made the switch. It wasn't easy figuring out what foods he could and couldn't tolerate but once we did it has been life changing!

So here is his weight now: 24 lbs 11 oz
Height now: 33.5"
His hair finally started to grow!
His skin complexion actually has some color now!
His nails grow like crazy!
He vomits WAY less!
No more eczema
Handles more volume than he ever has

A year ago (before BD:):
18 lbs 8oz
Baldy- hair barely grew
Vomited huge volumes all the time!
Seemed to have skin rashes & eczema patches with constant changes of formulas
Couldn't handle much formula & was always hooked up to a pump running really slowly

So here is our *AMAZING* blender that has made the BD possible for us! We are so thankful for this wonderful donation to our family.

We blend everyday typically, fresh is always best. This blend contains rice milk, fresh banana, blueberry coconut yogurt, avocado, sweet potatoes, kale, 1 cooked egg, cooked chicken, ground flaxseed, bread, Grapenut cereal, and liquid multivitamin.

We change up the ingredients to make sure he gets a variety of fruits, veggies and meats. I like to think he is one of the most healthy "eating" 2 year around! What 2 year old do you know that would eat all of that in 1 day?? I don't know too many ;)

This is how we store it:

Just a month ago we have finally moved to giving him 4 gtube feeds per day! It only took us 2 years to finally be done with every 3 hour feeds, that was truly exhausting! He can tolerate a larger amount of volume, we can adjust the amount of calories he needs, and there is almost no vomiting :) What is even better is that he gets 2 of those feedings while he is asleep ( at 6am and 10 pm) which gives us more opportunities to work on food play and eating by mouth during the day!

While we love blenderized diet, it is alot of work... I am not going to tell any fibs about that! Of course we will do whatever is best for C and not think twice about it. But, I am super excited about a new line of blenderized diet that is coming out! We can't wait to try JustFood! With C's food intolerance's, we will have to be super picky about trying these, but it will make vacationing 100 times easier ( I know, I know, we rarely vacation!) It would even be great to have on hand for those emergency times when we have no power and unable to blend! Anyways, I wanted to share this with all of the tube fed friends that follow us! We can't wait to give it a try and are so thankful for this tubie mommy to come up with this idea! They are also on Facebook: