Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Packing on the weight!

Wt: 16lbs!!!

A week after the Nissen, Connor had his bi-weekly weight check at his pediatrician. So last Thursday, he weighed 15lbs 9oz! He was last weighed a week before the nissen and he was 14lbs 9oz, so that's a great gain!! Yesterday at his surgeon's follow up appointment, he weighed 16 pounds! FINALLY, we are out of the 14' only took forever! The weight gain makes Josh and I believe me made the right decision to have the nissen done.

As far as eating by mouth, that continues to be a huge struggle. I believe I am keeping all of the sippy cup companies in business. We have so many bottles and sippy cups in our house, it's crazy! The only way we can get a spoon in his mouth is if we "sneak attack" when he is smiling or babbling. Sometimes he will swallow it, other times he will spit it right out. The sippy cup has become more of a teething toy, if formula comes out in his mouth he typically spits it out as well. It is the most frustrating thing because I know he is capable of doing it but he refuses to.

Chewing on a teething biscuit

Now that he has been cleared from his surgeon, we are in the process of getting everything lined up for the evaluation in Atlanta at Marcus Center. I spoke with his pediatrician's office today and they are sending a letter to the insurance company to see if this will be authorized. We held off on this process because we wanted him to be healed & ready to go if the approval was given. We are praying to hear good news from the insurance company.

Playing after a bath

Quick visit with Kennedy-NICU friend

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