Monday, March 19, 2012

Birthday Around the Corner!

Well, it's been a while since I have last updated! The month of March has been super busy and is flying by entirely too fast!!

We are gearing up for Connor's first birthday party, it will be rather small... mainly family with a few friends this year. Next year, we can hopefully do a big shin-dig. I am hopeful that we can live a normal life, not isolated away from people this summer. :)

I have been reliving our life almost a year ago. I remember the bed rest for 3 days with the constant fear of my baby not surviving being born at 28 weeks. I remember the first cry I heard as soon as he was born and then rushed to the NICU. I remember it killing me not being able to meet Connor until Saturday night when he was born Friday morning. I remember all the emotions of seeing my sweet man at 1lb 8oz for the very first time. I remember the absolute exhaustion of going back and forth to the NICU twice daily. I remember the amazing day that Connor was able to come home with us 3 months later. I remember the amazing support and prayers from all of our family and friends, even people we had never met. I remember everything, as if it were yesterday.

I thank God everyday for this amazing miracle that he has blessed us with. The journey to get pregnant and Connor's first year of life has been rough but completely worth it, and I would do it all again for our little man! I would like to share a few photos from his first few days of life and from his birthday shoot last week.

2 days old- The first time I got to hold his hand. If you look closely, Josh's wedding band is on his arm.

3 days old, resting on his side

7 days old- the first time ever being held. We placed Connor on my chest (kangaroo care) for body heat & to hear my heartbeat

A YEAR LATER: God surely does some amazing things!

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