Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Delayed Gastric Emptying

Age: 13 months (tomorrow)/10 months adjusted
Wt: 17lbs 12oz
Length: 28.5"

Since the last post, we have started to do some testing on trying to figure out why Connor is vomiting again. Yesterday he had a gastric emptying study. My oh my what a tedious, long test for a 13 month old! It involved putting 4oz of his formula with a radioactive tracer through his g-tube. Every 15 minutes for a total of 2 hours, films were taken. This meant that a squirmy baby had to lay still for an entire minute-quite a challenge! After doing this the first 3 times, Connor had enough with the last 3! He vomited, which I expected since the 4 oz was pushed directly into his belly quickly (instead of on a pump over 30 minutes). I didn't think this test would give us any answers, but we are starting to get somewhere! The results showed evidence of delayed emptying, which means Connor will start taking his Erythromycin three times a day again.
Tired of his 2 hour long test

Checking out his dum-dum sucker, as directed by his feeding therapist

Unfortunately, Connor is loosing weight again. He weighed 4oz less than he did at his last GI appointment, 6 weeks ago. I think with the combination of vomiting, crawling, and the change in formula (causing lots of poopy!) His GI dr seems to think he is developing an intolerance to soy now (He already has a milk intolerance). :( So he is now being switched over to Pediasure Peptide. This is a peptide based formula, instead of milk or soy, and allows for easier digestion. We are trialing this for for 3 days before we can determine if he will need this or a more hypoallergenic formula. He is also switching from Prevacid to Nexium. And we are back to the hospital tomorrow for an Upper GI to evaluate the nissen.
New favorite place to go in our house!

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