Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Making progress

Wt: 13 lbs 12oz (last Wednesday)

There have been alot of changes since I last posted!
We started the Periactin and saw quick results! We started it one night and the next day Connor was fussing when it was time for his next feed, was sucking on his paci, took small amounts from the bottle, and became more interested in his baby food. I also noticed that the numbers and volume of spit up went down tremendously. Unfortunately, this was very short lived :( I think we can blame a tooth for that.....and as of today he now has cut his 2 bottom teeth! He may be ready for some steak real soon! Connor is on a 2 week break from Periactin because it becomes ineffective once they build a tolerance to it. Weight gain has been slow, so his GI doctor has increased his formula to 28 calories/oz now instead of the 25cal as before. Man, are we going through the formula super fast now since it is so concentrated!

Connor now has his g-button!!! Yippee!! That means he is taking real tub baths once again! It is much nicer. There isn't an entire roll of tape on his stomach holding the tube, it is so much easier to get dressed, and only a "toy" when he is getting fed otherwise it is out of sight! Every 6 months his button will get changed out, even though I am praying he won't need it for multiple changes. Here is a pic of Connor & Mommy waiting to get the button:

A while ago Connor and Kennedy (NICU friend) had a play date. Kennedy is too sweet... she is a few weeks younger than Connor and is definitely showing him up with her sitting skills! ;) Tomorrow they have another play date, or more like Mommy's exchanging physical therapy techniques. I will post pics later!

Last week Connor went for his monthly synagis shot. He gets a synagis shot monthly from Nov.-March to help prevent him from getting RSV. I am so thankful he qualified to get these shots and that insurance covers them :) Those boogers are $1300 per shot!!! After that, I decided we would take a trip over to the NICU to drop off our Christmas card. I was not prepared for all the emotions that were going to hit me at that time! As I carried Connor down the long hall to the NICU, the first 3 months of his life flashed before my eyes. I remember dreaming of the day I could bring Connor back to see all the amazing people that were involved in saving Connor's life and now it was real! All the smells and the relaxing classical music brought back so many memories and feelings. It was so great to see some of the people that took care of him, even though we didn't get to see all of them. We wouldn't have Connor here for his first Christmas if it weren't for the all fabulous people in that NICU. A perfect reminder of how truly blessed we are to have our little guy.

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