Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Ear infections

Age: 22 months/ 19 months
Weight: 21 lbs 3oz
Ht: 32 inches

So Connor has been dealing with nasty ear infections. He now has received 2 separate rounds of Rocephin shots to get rid of the infections since he doesn't seem to respond to oral antibiotics. Rocephin shots are daily for 3 days... Not fun for a toddler, he definitely doesn't trust anyone in scrubs now!! It seems he starts to make progress eating, then gets an infection and refuses food and vomits alot. After battling ear infections, severe speech delay, balance issues, and vomiting- we decided it was time to get some tubes put in his ears. His pediatrician set up tubes with the ENT we followed up with in October after finding out he had laryngomalacia. Everything was set up, then we had some insurance issues and decided it was in Connor's best interest to see a different ENT. And boy am I SO glad we made the switch!  It has put the tubes off a few more weeks than we originally had, but what is a few more weeks after all of the issues?!

The first visit was last week and his new ENT spent so much time with us! I was thrilled to have a doctor that wanted to know  everything that has happened in Connor's short life (even not ENT related). I think it is good for his doctors to know everything so they can see the full picture, just so thankful for him spending so much time with us.  After examining  Connor, he knew tubes were needed but he also wanted to do a few more tests. He had a hearing screen done since the only one done was in the NICU. Basically, his left eardrum had no movement and the right eardrum had very little movement. This is common when fluid is present in the ears ( which is in his) but also explains why he has so much of a speech delay and balance problems. So he will have another hearing screen after tubes are placed, and hopefully everything will be much improved and not permanent.

With Connor having a diagnosis of laryngomalacia ,his doctor wanted him to have a sleep study before the tubes. That way if he needs anything along with the tubes, he can do it at the same time. Let me just tell you, that sleep study was absolutely NO fun! So many cords coming from the head, face, nose, chest, and feet...not to mention an upset little boy with his hands bound up to prevent him from pulling everything! After getting him calmed down and asleep, the battle of keeping him off his belly began. basically every 10 minutes my eyes opened and I had to roll him off his tummy.  At 4am we were sent home from the hospital because Connor was wide awake. I was pretty sure the sleep study would be perfectly fine, but it was something that needed to be done to rule out some things. Well,  I heard from his pulmonologist yesterday who just so happened to be doing the results of the study.
 Turns out he had about 5 apnea episodes every hour- boy was I shocked to hear that! He was sending all the reports to his ENT, so hopefully we will hear from him soon about the next plan!
* Mommy and Connor at the hospital before the sleep study began*
* The not so happy Connor*

I am hopeful that once we get Connor's ears taken care of and the apnea issues , that he will catch up on the speech issues and hopefully consistently eat food by mouth. I am praying this is the small puzzle piece that was missing! :) I will keep you all updated, tubes are scheduled for March 6th.

*He is a pro at slides now! *
* Connor and his NICU friend, Kennedy at the park*

I know this blog is about Connor, but I just wanted to ask for prayers for my Dad. He was diagnosed with tongue and mouth cancer in November. He had a very long surgery in January ( at MUSC) removing half of his tongue, reconstructing it, and had a trach placed. Yesterday he went back down to Charleston and had his first chemo and radiation therapy. He will have to stay in Charleston for about 6 weeks for daily radiation and several doses of chemo. He has been so tough and impressing all his doctors with how well he is doing. With him staying in Charleston so long, my mom is having to continue to work and stay home to take care of my Grandmother ( Dad's mom) who lives with them. Please pray for strength for my Mom and Dad, thanks everyone.

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