Wednesday, July 17, 2013

ABA therapy

I write this while my sweet angel sleeps....
Yesterday Connor had the STAT test done to evaluate for autism with developmental pediatrics. The first step was the m-chat which  was done around his 2nd birthday that showed him at high risk for autism. The STAT ( screening tool for autism in toddlers) was the second step process evaluation. 

Josh and I may not always see eye to eye about what makes our little man quirky, but we do both have the same goal for him: to do everything we can possibly do for him now to provide him with the best life. 

The psychologist evaluated through play with Connor while we answered a million and one questions about his health and behaviors for about 2 hours. The psychologist was testing his social relationships, imaginative play, imitation, communication, and developmental skills. I am sure she tested for more things that I can't remember, that is quite a stressful time for any parent to remember so much information. 

Both evaluators met together to discuss Connor and the results from the STAT for about 20 minutes. I am sure those were the longest 20 minutes of my life! When we sat down to get the results we were told Connor failed the STAT. In other words, he has been identified as possibly having autism.  Of course in my heart, I already knew the results....most mom's have that special power, but there is always that little part of you that hopes otherwise. With that being said, he now qualifies for 20-25 hours / week of ABA therapy (applied behavior analysis) in addition to the therapies he already receives   everyday. I know adding those therapies will make it tough for Connor and our family, but we are willing to do anything to help out little man out. The ABA therapy is obviously an intense therapy that is used with autistic children. It will get started as soon as possible. In January he will do the final step evaluation called the ADOS (autism diagnostic observation schedule). Depending upon those results will determine if he gets the actual diagnosis or not. 

As a mom, I do carry guilt. I wonder if there is something I did, or something I didn't do, or what I could have done differently that would have made his life not so difficult. When I start thinking that I try to push the thoughts away and remind myself that God has a plan. He is the only one who knows the plan and we are along for the ride....what happens is meant to happen so there is no need to worry and stress over it. Some days are easier than others for me..but regardless, diagnosis or not - Connor is still our same beautiful, amazing, strong, happy, smart, stubborn little miracle and nothing will EVER change that! 

I know God put Connor in our lives because he knew Josh and I could handle him and would shower him with unconditional love. He knew that we had amazing family and friends that are always there for support to help us through the tough times and share the happy times with. With that, I want to thank all of y'all for being amazing support to us from the very beginning! :) We love you all and couldn't not thank you enough. 

Therapy with his Early Interventionist, we just love Beth!

Hanging out at Frankie's Fun Park

First trip to Saluda Shoals splash pad....not a huge fan but took some time & he started to warm up to the water.

First time at Monkey Joes, a little overwhelming for C but he enjoyed climbing!

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