Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Random phone call

Last week I received a random call from one of the GI doctors at C's GI office. The phone call was about an opportunity for him to go to Marcus Autism Center in Atlanta, GA for a week of free intense feeding therapy at the feeding clinic! Sounds too good to be true, huh?! 

Not sure if you remember but over a year ago I filled out the 30 page application to Marcus feeding clinic only to battle insurance about getting coverage there. I never was able to get approval after several appeals. Basically we decided we would continue doing therapy with our favorite feeding therapist at the hospital weekly and just see how things go. Connor's progress has definitely been a roller coaster, one week he is very interested in food and tasting and then the next he may refuse everything that he has previously shown interest in. We continue to do food play, no pressure involved 3 times a day. We make sure to include him at the table even if he isn't interested. I will say he has made progress but it is at a super slow pace. Right now his biggest struggle is swallowing the food, he will put food in his mouth and do a few chews and then packs it away. He will keep the food there forever unless he throws up, occasionally he swallows it. 

I do find it quite interesting that we received this phone call not long after we were told he is showing characteristics of fitting, this is at an Autism Center...maybe this is meant to be?! I called Marcus to get all the details and to find out when we need to be there. So, it is a clinical trial involving intense therapy from 8:30-4:30 Monday- Friday. In the morning before therapy starts, C will get a placebo or a medication that is being studied to reduce anxiety and allow the brain to accept new therapy while reducing past associations with food. Regardless, placebo or not, C will get all day intense therapy! Josh and I feel we would be dumb to pass this opportunity up..we will never know how Connor will do unless we try. We have decided not to question this decision and trust that this is Gods way of giving us a sign to give this feeding therapy a try. :) 

Here is the kicker, we have to be there next week for the first evaluation ( just one day) and then the following week we need to be in Atlanta ready to start! Very short notice and of course it has put some strain on me to get my shifts covered at the hospital, but thankfully I was able to. Thanks to all my amazing coworkers that helped me out!  I stress about the work situation  and know that I need to work but I have to do what is best for my little guy and this is an amazing opportunity that we can't pass up! Thankfully it is no big deal for Josh to get off work...whew!

So now I sell the heck out of Button Lovies so that it can help us handle lodging in Atlanta for a week, every little bit helps! We all know that a week stay in Atlanta won't be cheap! But, no stress or worries...we will make it happen! :) 

I will try my best to update daily while we are in Atlanta to share how things are going! I am beyond excited about this opportunity for our little man! I pray this week of intense therapy is just what he needs to push him to eating successfully everyday. 

C with his goldfish Button cute is that?!

C and his best friend, George! George goes with us everywhere now!

Trying to figure out how to work this new tricycle!

Mommy and C :)

1 comment:

  1. Laura - your friend Stacy sent me to your blog, because my daughter has so many of the same feeding issues that Connor does and she felt that you may be a good resource to me. Connor is SO CUTE! (I also have a 3-year-old Connor, in addition to my 19-month-old daughter Brenna :) ) Brenna is tube-fed and on a partial blended diet, and has displayed a lot of intolerance for dairy, soy and possibly gluten. Stacy said that you would have some helpful suggestions for high-calorie foods/recipes within those allergy-free guidelines, and I would love to talk with you about your experiences! Also we are really trying to push Brenna to oral eating too, and I can't wait to hear about your experiences at the Marcus feeding clinic. I couldn't find your email anywhere, but I would love to connect with you! My blog is and my email is Take care! Courtney
