Thursday, February 27, 2014

Changes are coming....

Oh my, as we quickly approach C's 3rd birthday I have so many mixed emotions. I am first and foremost thankful to God for sharing this precious little man with us, he has taught Josh and I so much about life. It's so hard to believe that almost 3 years ago we were fearing the unknown of having a baby born at 28 weeks. Anyways, I will leave the sappy stuff out for now, I can save that for his birthday post! :) 

With 3 years old peeking around the corner, we have been doing many evaluations with the school district. With his prematurity, speech delays, and autism diagnosis he basically qualifies for special needs preschool for 3 year olds. He can actually start school the day of his 3rd birthday, but there is no way in heck this momma will be able to handle all of those emotions that day! I imagine we will wait several days and then start, no matter what day we start it is going to be rough on me. 

We have his first IEP (individual educational plan) meeting the week before his birthday. This meeting consists of a lot of people talking about what is best for C, setting goals, and what level class he will be placed in. My understanding is that school will last around 3 hours and it is offered in the mornings or afternoons.

Also when he turns the BIG 3 his ABA switches from babynet to PDD waiver. This changes things a lot. Instead of having a line therapist and consultant he will have a consultant that comes twice a month, a lead therapist  that comes twice a week, and hopefully 2 different line therapist who come to our house a minimum of 9 hours per week. Right now he is receiving 12 hours of ABA per week from one therapist. So basically he will have his own ABA team that will work with him. 

My worry is how do we fit in his daily school hours with speech and occupational therapy at school, home speech and OT, follow up feeding therapy, ABA therapy, naptime, and downtime just being a kid?!  Just thinking about it makes me tired, makes my brain hurt trying to get our schedule figured out and realizing how much life truly does change when he turns 3! We have been on the same therapy schedule for years (since coming home from NICU) with the addition of ABA. It's like when 3 hits, our schedule is turned completely upside down! I am trying not to worry and stress because we always have made things work and adapt to our life without a blink...shoot, our life has been everything but "normal" ( I hate that word) since day 1. 

So you see, big changes are coming...
I know we will be fine...there will be no whining...this is what's best for C and we are sure as heck going to give him our best...I will remember that we aren't the only ones with a hectic schedule and other families have been doing this for years...and I am reminded daily that life could be much, much worse. 

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