Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Whirlwind update!

Merry Christmas! We had a wonderful Christmas. Connor got plenty of toys, definitely toy overload! He was sensory overloaded at everyone's house we went to...constantly running, opening & closing doors, Turing light switches on and off, barely sat down for a minute. It is truly exhausting chasing him around other peoples house so once we got back to our house we all were exhausted! 

Our little family of 3 celebrating Jesus' birthday

Connor went skating for the first time and LOVED it!! I was worried it would be too much but he loved it. Of course his wheels were locked but he went around the rink with a big ol' smile on his face. The heavy weight of the skates provided a lot of input to him, I think that helped calm him down. Needless to say, he got a pair of skates for Christmas and we will be making frequent trips to the skating rink! 

Enjoyed his first Krispy Kreme 10 seconds flat! 

We proudly introduce the newest member of our family, Bailey! We got Bailey for Connor, with hopes to do some training to help calm him and be his best bud. Hopefully we will be able to use Bailey to distract him from some of his repetitive behaviors, lay across his lap to give heavy pressure to help calm him, and just provide a sweet cuddly friend for him. 

Bailey is as energetic as Connor right now....needless to say I send both of them outside and let them just run. They both come back inside all worn out! :) having a puppy is like adding another toddler to our bunch....constant and exhausting but her sweet face makes it all worth it! Milo on the other hand is not too fond of her sweet face....he is still adjusting to the new addition. 

Connor's first snow...ever! We got about 3 inches of snow last week. He really wasn't a fan of the snow on his hands or when he fell down, other than that he did his usual running and playing as if the snow weren't even there. 

Eye exam: this little guy was rather intrigued with all he gadgets and buttons while waiting on the eye doctor. His eyes are slightly nearsighted but the doctor said it isn't anything to worry about right now. He will continue to monitor him.

And our most recent trip to the doctor....Connor hasn't been gaining weight since we quit using his feeding tube, he actually has lost weight. :( My concern is that he is eating plenty of food, I have seen him eat more than some kids his age. I know he is 100mph most of the time, but I feel like he should atleast have gained a little since November. He weighs 24.5 pounds right now and he is almost 3! His height is definitely increasing but his poor clothes are falling off of him. He had about 4 tubes of blood drawn to check basic labs to make sure nothing else is going on and also some other labs to check his nutritional status. We are waiting to hear these results....mommy is fairly anxious waiting for these results.

School update: we have met with Saxa Gotha Elementary school in January. He has about 4 more evaluations before his 3rd birthday before they can determine what level class he will need. 

Therapy: Still getting therapy 5 days a week. Early Intervention, speech therapy, ABA therapy and occupational therapy. Who hoo...keeping us busy! He is making improvements, very surprising things. Like today, he spoke in a full sentence....appropriately asking me " turn light on please" while reaching for the light switch. He has surprised me with pointing out his alphabet letters and knowing just about every single one of them.  He can work an iPad like nobody's business! He is a very smart little guy, the challenge is getting him to slow down enough and focus long enough to see all the things he knows!

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