Tuesday, October 1, 2013

CARE evaluation

Back when Connor had his STAT test done in July, the developmental doctor that did the evaluation scheduled him for the final evaluation in January. But, back in March his EI put him on the CARE evaluation list as well. Typically it takes a year or longer to get an evaluation for autism, which is why we put his name on the list. I didn't want to wait until he was already three if he needed it done but I was more than willing to cancel it if he didn't need it by the time it rolled around. So, last week while Connor was sick I recieved a phone called from SC department of disabilities and special needs. They were ready to do his final CARE team evaluation! So he has it scheduled for October 7th at 9:30. It will take 4 hours long for them to evaluate him, and several different people with be a part of the evaluation. 

Of course I am a ball of nerves....I had mentally prepared myself for this in January, not next week! But I also know that the earlier the intervention the better, so we are doing what is best for little man now. So please bare with me the next few weeks if I seem a little more sensitive then normal. :) My mind constantly worries and the thought of a diagnosis that stays with him for life is a lot to worry about.  Regardless, if he gets a diagnosis he is still my same adventurous, happy little boy. I will NOT let autism define my child. You do wonder if he will get judged or made fun of, will he ever drive, will he have a date to prom, will he go to college, will he be able to live on his own, will he get married....those are all the thoughts that run through my head when I think about his future. That is why I fight like heck now to provide him with the best so that he is capable of living the life he wants to when he gets older. 

My heart knows that his ways of doing things aren't necessarily normal but they aren't wrong- they are part of what makes him so special. For example, as I write this he is running around our backyard. As he is running the same path over and over on his tippy toes,he is making a clicking noise with his mouth. But as he is doing this he is observing every little thing around him, that little speck of grass, that crunchy leaf, that bird chirping, the light breeze in the air. He teaches me something so valuable, he teaches me to slow down and enjoy the simple things in life. 

While we gear up for this evaluation, his ABA is getting started this week! We met his therapist today and she does great with Connor. For now we are starting out with 8 hours/ week with her and he will still get his 4hrs/week of his other therapies. He qualifies for up to 20 hrs/week of ABA but that is quite tough to work out with his therapy schedules, nap time, and the amount of time we spend trying to get him to eat by mouth. I am just so thankful to be able to get him into ABA before he turns 3 so he doesn't have such a long wait! 

Keep our little man and our family in your prayers please, strength is what we are going to need as we go through this process. 

These photos are from his super hero photo shoot by Jen+Holly photography.. I think they absolutely capture my true super hero! :) 

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