Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Busy little boy

Connor man has been surprising us lately! He has been repeating words and spontaneously saying words a lot! It is always so nice to him say a word or two and it actually be appropriate for the situation. He also seems to be understanding us more. For example "Connor, please bring me your cup."- he is actually bringing me his cup 90% of the time! Or if I ask him to go get his jacket, he runs to his room and tries to reach for his jacket hanging on the hook . He is definitely making improvements in the speech department and we are thrilled! This will ease some of the frustration he was having because he couldn't communicate what his needs were very well several months ago. 

He has been sick this week ( every week he is off his appetite stimulant, he gets sick... It never fails!) He had a long night Sunday night with a lot of coughing, congestion and throwing up. Thankfully he is over the worst and is sleeping through the night and just has a nasty cough left. He actually is feeling so well he is all over the place! He is a busy little boy, but goodness did he give me several heart attacks yesterday! Falling off our bed head first, tripping over a toy that he wasn't paying any attention to and hitting his face on the floor, flipping his tricycle several times WHILE moving! He is constantly doing something, thank goodness he is a tough little boy! :) I felt like he was determined to have an ER visit with all those crazy accidents yesterday! 

          * this little boy loves to help me clean!*


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