Monday, December 9, 2013

Eating all the time!

I wanted to do a quick update in things going on in our wonderfully blessed life:

***We have not used Connor's gtube in over 2 weeks!! This is such a fabulous, life changing thing for Connor! Josh and I are adjusting to this little guy wanting to "eat!" all the time. Sometimes we are just in awe at the sight of watching him tear into his food and enjoy it...without a single gag! We are hoping he has turned the corner from all of the feeding aversions and pray he never goes back. He is also taking all of his medicines by mouth as well. 

Enjoying chips & salsa with a quesadilla

We have had many people ask us when his gtube will be removed.....well you see, Connor has a paranoid mommy and would rather keep it longer just in case. I want him to make it through an illness, make it through weaning off medications, and to continue gaining weight on his own. My thought process is that it isn't hurting him being there, so why worry about rushing to get it out. If we don't need it then GREAT but if he needs it then the gtube is still there. 

Sneaking a snack! Haha

***Well, the time has come....3 months before Connor turns 3 years old! (where has the time gone?!) This means we have our first of many meetings with the school district next week, December 16th as a matter of fact. He will start special needs preschool with the district the day after his 3rd birthday. So next week we are meeting with the district to inform them of Connor's needs and share all of his evaluations so they can start the process of placing him in the most suitable class for him. This momma is a little nervous about the thought of school! We have never left him with a stranger...ever! I know he will be fine and he needs to be around other children, but don't think I won't be sitting in the parking lot the first few days! Haha This will be a bigger adjustment for mommy than Connor! :) 

*** A little update on our adoption process. We have met with an attorney and will start our homestudy in January. We know it is no rush and God has the perfect timing and plan, so we are doing our part and getting things lined up just in case! 

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