Tuesday, November 26, 2013

No small steps....more like leaps & bounds!

Let me first start with the potty training updates!
After day 2 I was absolutely ready to throw in the towel and quit! Day 2 was the worst. He was having twice as much accidents and just wasn't getting the concept. I thought a lot about it that evening and considered quitting the next day but that meant I needed to buy more diapers. I sure didn't want to go back to diapers after going through those last 2 days of constantly cleaning up puddles just to do it all over again when we tried to potty train again. So we pushed through and day 3 seemed to turn out way better! Each day has gotten better and better, as a matter of fact he hasn't had a single accident in 2 days! I surely didn't foresee him doing this well just a week into training! It is a nice change not having to deal with diapers. I will say we have visited every store's restroom since we have decided to venture out of our house....that just comes with this territory though! :) 

He gets to choose between a sticker or "mm" if he is successful with the potty. This is what I decided to do with the stickers instead of letting him keep it all day. He was becoming to fixated on the sticker if I let him carry it around so he proudly places them on a coloring page on the bathroom wall. He sticks it on and then points at it to show how happy he is to put it on there! 

My other VERY exciting news is that we haven't used his gtube for 5 days now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is gobbling up almost everything in his path and still requesting for "more", "eat", "hungry"! It truly is amazing to hear those words come out of his mouth and for him to use them appropriately! The other morning he ate all of his yogurt and his banana so he decided he wanted to steal my breakfast! What?! Who is this and what did they do with my child?!! I am praying that he has turned the corner and we won't be looking back! It will hopefully be a very exciting Thanksgiving watching him eat with everyone else and actually enjoying the food! Whoooo hooo, I am so happy I could shout it from the rooftops! 

We are so thankful for all of God's blessings. 

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