Sunday, November 17, 2013


Josh and I have been thinking long and hard for quite some time. We have been having the conversations about expanding our family! No, we aren't crazy...I promise! We are just ready to open our hearts and arms to another blessing from God. 

We are hoping to adopt! 

We have thought about another sibling ever since Connor was born and feared that the same thing would happen since we don't know why or how to prevent my early severe preeclampsia. Yes, we have strong faith but it is just such a nerve wracking thought! It is scary to think that could happen again at even earlier and all the other things that come along with having such early babies. My body obviously didn't do well with the fertility medications and it isn't a risk we are willing to take again. The risk of loosing a baby or possibly a momma and a wife is so very scary. Of course we want another child, we just won't be taking the same journey we did with Connor. 

We know we are blessed to have our sweet miracle and we thank God for him every single day! We are ready to share our love, for him to have a sibling, for him to have a life long friend, for them to learn life lessons together, for them to get into trouble together...we are ready!

So, we are starting the process of adoption! First things first, we will be meeting with an adoption lawyer next week to talk about the entire process and then getting our homestudy underway! We know this could be a long, emotional journey and we are okay with that. We continue to pray for Gods plan and we know that the right baby for our family will join us one day. We are very excited and nervous at the same time! 

 I will keep you all updated as this journey takes place! Please pray for God's plan and know that we have faith that everything happens for a reason.  

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